K45 Suite No. 1
pour petit orchestre – Suite No. 1 für kleines Orchester – Suite No. 1 for small orchestra – Сюита № 1 для малого оркестра – Suite n. 1 per piccola orchestra
Scored for*: a) First edition (Nomenclature according score): Flauto piccolo, 2 Flauti grandi, Oboe, 2 Clarinetti in La, 2 Fagotti, Corno in Fa, Tromba in Do, Trombone, Tuba, Gran Cassa, Violino I, Violino II, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabasso [Piccolo Flute, 2 Flutes, Oboe, 2 Clarinets in A, 2 Bassoons, Horn in F, Trumpet in C, Trombone, Tuba, Big drum, Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Violoncello, Double bass]; b) Performance requirements: Piccolo Flute (= 2nd Flute), 2 Flutes (2nd Flute = Piccolo Flute, 1 Oboe, 2 Clarinets in A, 2 Bassoons, 1 Horn in F, 1 Trumpet in C, 1 Trombone, 1 Tuba, Percussion (Big drum), Strings** (First Violins, Second Violins, Violas, Violoncellos, Double basses)
* The list gives the complete catalogue of all instruments to be used; the pieces themselves have different individual orchestrations.
** Not divided.
Construction: An instrumental suite of four pieces with Roman numerals, bearing titles according to the piano version, and with individual orchestral forces for each movement. The four pieces of the orchestral Suite correspond, in a different order, to the first four pieces of the five-piece piano set. The formal rearrangement concerns the pieces ‘Andante’, ‘Napolitana’, ‘Española’ and ‘Balalaïka’. All four pieces are formally identical to their originals, but, with the exception of the third piece (‘Española’), the metronome markings are changed (Andante crochet = 76 becomes crochet = 86 – 92; ‘Napolitana’ dotted crochet = 138 becomes dotted crochet = 144; ‘Balalaïka’ crochet = 168 becomes crochet = 144 – 132), thus making them more flowing. All four orchestral movements contain dynamic and technical markings specific to each instrument which were unnecessary and inapplicable to the piano version.
Crotchet = 86-92 (23 bars = figure 21 up to the end of figure 3 7)
(2 Flutes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Bassoons, Strings)
Dotted Crotchet = 144 (78 bars = figure 31 up to the end of figure 12 6)
(Tutti without Piccolo Flute)
Dotted Crotchet = 54 (49 bars = figure 41 up to the end of figure 8 4)
(Tutti without Trombone, without Big drum)
Dotted Crotchet = 144-132 (63 bars = figure 41 up to the end of figure 8 7
Style: The emotional and formal hallmarks of the respective originals are strengthened by the instrumentation, which is different from movement to movement.
Dedication: Dédiées à Mme Eugénie de Errazuriz* [Dedicated to Mrs. Eugénie de Errazuriz]. While both piano series have dedicatees which are printed at the front of the set of three (the dedication of the set of five to Mme Errazuriz does not appear in print), neither of the two orchestral suites have a dedication. Strawinsky however authorised a dedicatory programme note for the performance inBiarritz on25 August 1932 , as a result of which both Suites are together dedicated to Mme Errazuriz.
* There is no dedication given in the printed version.
Duration: about 1' 16" (Andante), 1' 13" (Napolitana), 1' 07" (Española), 0' 52" (Balalaïka).
Date of origin: 1917 and 1925 (date of completion Nizza 31st December 1925); the Napolitana was tackled in February 1917.
First performance: The première of the First Suite, which was written after the Second Suite, on 2 ndMarch 1926 in Haarlem under Igor Strawinsky, was at the same time under the main title ‘Huit pièces infantines’ the first performance of both Suites.
Remarks: It can be assumed that the works were orchestrated by mid-1921 at the earliest, and that Strawinsky had always had an orchestration in mind; otherwise, he would not have given the earlier orchestrated version the number 2, which only makes sense if there was a number 1 in mind. The order was also important, because the Second Suite has a final character. For the same reason, he put the ‘Gallop’, with which the set of five piano works ends, at the end of the series of three, making a Second Suite out of it. This process necessitated the rearrangement of the numbers of the First Suite, since what was formerly the third piece, the ‘Balalaïka’, was a better final piece than the ‘Napolitana’, and at the same time, sustained the transition into the Second Suite. The pieces of the Suite which today bears the title ‘Nr. 1’, were performed for the first time on 2nd March 1926 alongside the Suite Nr. 2 as a single item, as they were conceived by Strawinsky, so that both Suites make up an eight-movement form. The pieces of the Suite which today bears the title ‘Nr. 2’, were presumably heard for the first time shortly after 1921 either in their entirety or in part in Paris in a Music-Hall, as Strawinsky called it, which, according to Taruskin, with all probability was the Russian emigrant Varieté theatre, Le Théâtre de la Chauve-Souris à Moscou. The date is clearly not known in the Strawinsky literature. The date 2/3/1926 refers to the performance of both Suites, one after the other, as a formal item, as they were conceived by Strawinsky.
Fassungen: The Second Suite, with the number 1, was published in 1926 by J. & W. Chester in London as a conductor’s score, this time printed with numbers in Paris by Roubaix-Tourcoing like the earlier Suite. The performing material was available to hire. The elaborate pocket score edition, published in the following year 1927, was again a licence for the Vienna Philharmonia publisher, who included it in its Philharmonia pocket score series under the number 172. As with all the other Chester scores taken over by the Philharmonia publisher, this Suite was produced in the same year by Chester themselves under their own company name, but in the Philharmonia design. The Austrian edition was reprinted several times, even after the Second World War. An edition was published by 1948 at the earliest, but probably 1950, as the dates of the adverts show. The edition by the publishers Wilhelm Hansen of 1965 is based on the Austrian printing (1965 Taschenpartitur; Wilhelm Hansen Kopenhagen; 30 S. (8°); Pl.-Nr. [Text:] W. Ph. V. 172 [Noten:] W. Ph. V. 172 J. W. C. 56 b). – Kalmus in New York subsequently printed both suites. – The Russian illegal printing of 1967 united both suites in one volume of music, but in an inverted order, so the last suite, No. 2, came first, followed by the opening suite, No. 1, which bears witness to the lack of understanding of these connections. – The fragmentary, three-movement arrangement for band by Erickson for 62 instrumentalists A Stravinsky Suite (which is limited to the March, Andante and Gallop movements, was published by Chappell in New York and could only be sold in the United States), was already being mentioned in connection with the Second Suite. As Erickson mixed his arrangement together from the two Suites, an alliance to one of the two Strawinsky Suites or the piano original is not possible. A transcription by Clark McAllister and Malcolm Binney for a 36-player wind ensemble or a small concert band with a longer preface was published with copyright in 1989 by Masters Music Publications, a company based in Boca Raton in Florida, for their series Master Symphonic Band Series.
Historical Record: Toronto 29th March 1963, Massey Hall, by members of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Igor Strawinsky.
CD-Edition: VI/2-5.
Autograph: The autograph went from Chester House into the British Library, London.
Copyright: 1926 by J. & W. Chester.
a) Overview
45-1 1926 FuSc; Chester London; 40 pp.; J. W. C. 56.
45-2 1927 PoSc; Wiener Philharmonischer Verlag; 30 pp.; W. Ph. V. 172 J. W. C. 56 b; 172.
45-2 [27+] [1927+] ibd.
45-2[48] [1948] ibd.
45-3 [1927] PoSc; Chester London; 30 pp.; W.Ph.V. 172 J.W.C. 56 b.
45-3 [1927+] ibd.
45-4 [ 1965] PoSc; Chester - Hansen; 30 pp.; W. Ph. V. 172 J. W. C. 56 b.
45-5 Alb 1967 PoSc; Издательство Музыка Москва ; 41 pp.; 3401.
45-6 1968 FuSc + set of parts Suite Concert Band [Erickson]; [unidentified].
45-7 1968 FuSc Suite Concert Band [Erickson]; Chappell New York; 28 pp.; – .
45-8 1968 KlP Suite Concert Band [Erickson]; Chappell New York; 10 pp.; – .
45-9 1968 Additional parts Suite Concert Band [Erickson]; Chappell New York;; [unidentified].
b) Chararcteristic features
45-1 IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE / POUR PETIT ORCHESTRE / N oI / PARTITION D'ORCHESTRE / Prix 10/-* Net/ J. & W. CHESTER Ltd / 11, Great Marlborough Street / LONDON. w.° 1. // IGOR STRAWINSKY / [°°] / Suite / pour Petit Orchestre / N oI / I. ~ Andante / II. ~ Napolitana / III. ~ Española / IV. ~ Balalaïka / J. & W. CHESTER Ltd / 11, Great Marlborough Street / LONDON. w. 1. / Engraved and printed in France// (Full score [library binding] 27.3 x 34.6 (2° [4°]); 40 [40] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper black on brownbeige [front cover title, 3 empty pages] + 2 pages front matter [title page with rechts gedrucktem Index, page with legal reservations italic > Tous droits d’exécution, de traduction, de reproduction et d’arrangements réservés. / La possession de cette partition ne donne aucun droit de représentation, de location ou / de vente; conformément à la loi, ce droit reste réservé à l’auteur ou à ses représentants. / Pour traiter des représentations, de la location de la partition et des parties d’orchestre, etc., / s’adresser à J. & W. Chester, Ltd., Editeurs-Propriétaires pour tous pays, 11, Great Marl- / borough Street, Londres, W. 1. La copie des parties d’orchestre de cette œuvre est interdite / et sera poursuivie comme contrefaçon. < / > All rights reserved under International Copyright Laws. / The possession of this Score does not give any rights, either of performance, hire, or / sale, all such rights belonging to the Author or his representatives. All arrangements as to / performance, hire of material, etc., must be made with the publishers, J. & W. Chester, Ltd., / 11, Great Marlborough Street, London, W. 1. Any person or persons making unauthorised / copies or duplicates of Score or Parts of this work, or any portion thereof, render themselves / liable to heavy damages.<] + 2 pages back matter [empty pages]; title head >Suite pour petit orchestre / N o 1<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 between title head and movement title numbered in Roman numerals (with dot) >I. _ ANDANTE< flush right centred >IGOR STRAWINSKY / 1917 - 1925<; legal reservations 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright MCMXXVI by J. & W. CHESTER L td < flush right italic > Tous droits réservés/ All rights reserved<; plate number >J. W. C. 56.<; production indication p. 40 flush right centred as end mark >Grav. Imp. P. BERNARD-ERNOULT / Roubaix-Tourcoing<) // (1926)
° Original spelling.
°° Dividing horizontal line of 2,2 cm.
* London Copy >h.3992.i.(7.)< and München >2 Mus.pr. 10237< corrected manually written >20<. London copy without cover pages 3 und 4, line with copyright is torn off .
45-2 PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / STRAWINSKY / SUITE No. I / No. 172 / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG // PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / [°] / IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE No. I / pour petit orchestre /°° für kleines Orchester [+] for small orchestra / [vignette] / Eigentum des Verlages / J. & W. CHESTER, LTD. LONDON / und with dessen Genehmigung in die / ,,PHILHARMONIA''-Partiturensammlung aufgenommen / [°°°] / Copyright 1926 by J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd. / [°°°] / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten /°° Performing rights reserved /°° Droits d'exécution réservés / No. 172 / [°°°°] / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG A. G. / WIEN 1927 // (Pocket score sewn 13.5 x 18.4 (8° [kl. 8°]); 30 [30] pages + 4 cover pages black on grey [front cover title in a decorative circular, ornamental frame, width 2 cm, with a circular vignette ø 1.7 cm of plucked instruments and a stylized face as the middle point in a rounded, centred triangular frame like a coat of arms 3 x 3 at the centre of the ornament at the bottom, and the initials >W< >PH< >V< arranged at the points of a star shape, page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/°° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<* without production data, page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/°° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<** without production data; page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/°° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<*** without production data] + 6 pages front matter [empty page, picture page with a portrait photo 9.5 x 12.9 > Studio G.-L. Manuel Frères. Paris.< looking right as seen from inside the picture itself subtitled with quasi-handwritten cursive > Igor Strawinsky<, title page with centre centred circular vignette ø 2 cm of plucked instruments and a stylized face as the middle point, empty page, page with introductory text in three columns German-English-French, half a page containing the end of the introductory text by >Dr. A. P.< + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung:< >Orchestra:< >Distribution instru- / mentale:<] + 2 pages back matter [empty pages]; title head >SUITE No 1 / pour petit orchestre /°° für kleines Orchester /°° for small orchestra<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title numbered in Roman numerals (with dot) >I. ANDANTE< flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (* 1882); indication 1st page of the score below type area centre >In die „Philharmonia" Partiturensammlung aufgenommen<; legal reservations 1st page of the score above, next to and below 1. line title head flush left partly in italics >Droits d'exécution réservés / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten/ Performing rights reserved< below type area below indication flush left italic > Copyright 1926 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd.<; plate number [text;] >W. Ph. V. 172< [n otes :] >W.Ph.V. 172 J.W.C. 56 b<; end of score dated p. 30 italic > 1917-1925<; production indications p. 30 flush right as end mark >Weag.< 4th cover page (back outside) framed advertising block flush right >Printed in Austria<***) // 1927
° Dividing horizontal line of 8.8 cm, i.e., text width, centrally thickening to 0.1 cm.
°° Slash original.
°°° Dividing horizontal line of 0.4 cm.
°°° ° Dividing horizontal line of 8.9 cm, i.e., text width, centrally thickening to 0.1 cm.
+ Original slash missing.
* Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >J. S. BACH< to >HAYDN<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
** Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >HAYDN< to >RIMSKY-KORSAKOW<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
*** Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >ROSSINI< to >ZEMLINSKY<, by Strawinsk >STRAWINSKY< / >294 Histoire du Soldat /° Geschichte vom / Soldaten †) / 291/292 Ragtime /° Berceuses du chat †) / 293 Pribaoutki †) / 295 Suite p. petit orchestre †)< with miniature cross >†) Not available in the British Empire< [° flash original] and production indication below framed block of advertisements flush right >Printed in Austria<.
45-2 [27+] PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / STRAWINSKY / SUITE No. I / No. 172 / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG // PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE No. I / pour petit orchestre /* für kleines Orchester /* for small orchestra / [vignette] / Eigentum des Verlages / J. & W. CHESTER, LTD. LONDON / und with dessen Genehmigung in die / ,,PHILHARMONIA''-Partiturensammlung aufgenommen / Copyright 1926 by J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd. / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten /* Performing rights reserved /* Droits d'exécution réservés / No. 172 / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG A. G. / WIEN 1927 // (Pocket score sewn 13.5 x 18.4 (8° [kl. 8°]); 30 [30] pages + 4 cover pages black on grey [front cover title in a decorative circular, ornamental frame, width 2 cm, with a circular vignette ø 1.7 cm of plucked instruments and a stylized face as the middle point in a rounded, centred triangular frame like a coat of arms 3 x 3 at the centre of the ornament at the bottom, and the initials >W< >PH< >V< arranged at the points of a star shape, page with publisher’s advertisements >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<** without production data, page with publisher’s advertisements PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<*** without production data, page with publisher’s advertisements PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN/ MINIATURE SCORES/° <**** without production data with production indications below Rahmen centre >WEAG.< flush right >Printed in Austria<] + 6 pages front matter [empty page, picture page with a portrait photo 9.5 x 12.9 > Studio G.-L. Manuel Frères. Paris.< looking right as seen from inside the picture itself subtitled with quasi-handwritten cursive > Igor Strawinsky<, title page with centre centred circular vignette ø 2 cm of plucked instruments and a stylized face as the middle point, empty page, page with introductory text in three columns German-English-French, page with containing the end [half page] of the introductory text by >Dr. A. P.< + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung:< >Orchestra:< >Distribution instru- / mentale:<] + 2 pages back matter [empty pages]; title head >SUITE No 1<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title flush right >Igor Strawinsky / (* 1882); legal reservation 1st page of the score next to 1. line title head flush left partly in italics >Tous droits réservés / Alle Rechte vorbehalten/ All rights reserved< below type area flush left > Copyright 1926 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd<; note 1st page of the score below type area and legal reservation centre centred >In die „Philharmonia" Partiturensammlung aufgenommen<; plate number: W. Ph. V. 172 [text] + W.Ph.V. 172 J.W.C. 56 b[notes]; end of score dated p. 30 italic > 1917-1925<; production indication p. 30 flush right as end mark >Waldheim-Eberle. Wien VII.<; production indication on der 4. coverseite below Satzspiegel flush right >Printed in Austria<) // [1927+]
* Slash original.
** Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >J. S. BACH< to >HAYDN<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
*** Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >HAYDN< to >RIMSKY-KORSAKOW<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
**** Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers from >ROSSINI< to >ZEMLINSKY<, by Strawinsky >STRAWINSKY / 294 Histoire du Soldat /° Geschichte vom / Soldaten †) / 291/92 Ragtime /° Berceuses du chat †) / 293 Pribaoutki †) / 295 Suite p. petit orchestre †)<, >†< below advertisement >†) Not available in the British Empire< [° slash original].
45-2 [48] PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / STRAWINSKY / SUITE No. 1 / No. 172 / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG // PHILHARMONIA / PARTITUREN · SCORES · PARTITIONS / [°] / IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE No. 1 / pour petit orchestre /°° für kleines Orchester /°° for small orchestra / Eigentum des Verlages / J. & W. CHESTER, LTD. LONDON / und with dessen Genehmigung in die / ,,PHILHARMONIA''-Partiturensammlung aufgenommen / [°°°] / Copyright 1926 by J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd. / [°°°] / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten /°° Performing rights reserved /°° Droits d'exécution réservés / [°°°°] / Philharmonia No. 172 / WIENER PHILHARMONISCHER VERLAG WIEN / WIEN 1927 // (Pocket score stapled 13.5 x 18.4 (8° [kl. 8°]); 30 [30] pages + 4 cover pages black on grey [front cover title title in a decorative circular, ornamental frame, width 2 cm, with a circular vignette ø 1.7 cm of plucked instruments and a stylized face as the middle point in a rounded, centred triangular frame like a coat of arms 3 x 3 at the centre of the ornament at the bottom, and the initials >W< >PH< >V< arranged at the points of a star shape,, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements [not partly in italics] >PHILHARMONIA / TASCHEN-PARTITUREN / MINIATURE SCORES /°° PARTITIONS DE POCHE<* with production data below framed advertising block >No. 160< [#] >Printed in Austria< [#] >IX/48<] + 6 pages front matter [empty page, picture page with a portrait photo 9.5 x 12.9 > Studio G.-L. Manuel Frères. Paris.< looking right as seen from inside the picture itself subtitled with quasi-handwritten cursive > Igor Strawinsky<, title page without round emblem, empty page, page with introductory text in three columns without headline German-English-French, page with containing the end [half page] of the introductory text by >Dr. A. P.< + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung:< >Orchestra:< >Distribution instru- / mentale:<] + 2 pages back matter [empty pages]; title head >SUITE No 1 / pour petit orchestre /°° für kleines Orchester /°° for small orchestra <; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title numbered in Roman numerals (with dot) >I. ANDANTE< flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (* 1882); Hinweis 1st page of the score below type area centre >In die „Philharmonia" Partiturensammlung aufgenommen<; legal reservations 1st page of the score above, next to and below 1. line title head flush left partly in italics >Droits d'exécution réservés / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten/ Performing rights reserved< below type area below Hinweis flush left italic > Copyright 1926 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd.<; plate number [Text;] >W. Ph. V. 172< [Noten:] >W.Ph.V. 172 J.W.C. 56 b<; end of score dated p. 30 italic > 1917-1925<; production indication p. 30 flush right as end mark >Waldheim-Eberle, Wien VII.< 4th coverseite below Werbeblock centre >Printed in Austria<) // [1948]
° Dividing horizontal line of 8.8 cm, i.e., text width, centrally thickening to 0.1 cm.
°° Slash original.
°°° Dividing horizontal line of 0.4 cm.
°°° ° Dividing horizontal line of 8.6 cm, i.e., text width, centrally thickening to 0.1 cm.
* Compositions are advertised in two columns without edition numbers from >J. S. Bach< to >Hugo Wolf<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
45-3 [27] MINIATURE SCORE / CHESTER / LIBRARY / IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE / POUR PETIT ORCHESTRE / N o 1. / PRICE 2/6 NET. / J. & W. CHESTER, L TD / LONDON: 11, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET [*] // IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE / POUR PETIT ORCHESTRE / No. 1 / [#] I. – Andante / [#] II. – Napolitana / [#] III. – Espanola / [#] IV. – Balalaika / [**] / Duration et performance 7 minutes / Orchestral material on hire / J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd. / 11, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET, LONDON, W.1 / Printed in Austria // (Pocket score stapled 13.7 x 15.7 (8° [kl. 8°]); 30 [30] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper black on brown-beige [front cover title, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRAL WORKS / AVAILABLE IN MINIATURE SCORE FORM<*** without production data] + 6 pages front matter [empty page, picture page with a portrait photo 9.5 x 12.9 > Studio G.-L. Manuel Frères. Paris.< looking right as seen from inside the picture itself subtitled with quasi-handwritten cursive > Igor Strawinsky<, title page, empty page, page with introductory text in three columns German-English-French, page with containing the end [half page] of the introductory text by >Dr. A. P.< + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung:< >Orchestra:< >Distribution instru- / mentale:<] + 2 pages back matter [empty pages]; title head >SUITE N o 1 / pour petit orchestre /**** für kleines Orchester /**** for small orchestra<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title numbered in Roman numerals (with dot) >I. ANDANTE< flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (* 1882)<; note 1st page of the score below type area centre >In die „Philharmonia" Partiturensammlung aufgenommen<; legal reservations 1st page of the score above, next to and below 1. line title head flush left partly in italics >Droits d'exécution réservés / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten/ Performing rights reserved< below type area below note flush left italic > Copyright 1926 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd.<; plate number [text:] >W. Ph. V. 172< [notes:] >W.Ph.V. 172 J.W.C. 56 b<; end of score dated p. 30 italic > 1917-1925<; production indication p. 30 flush right as end mark >Waldheim-Eberle, Wien VII.<) // [1927]
* Stamp mark >B. SCHOTT’S SÖHNE MAINZ< + stamp mark at the bottom of the page left >Edition Schott Nr. 3469<.
** Dividing horizontal line of 1.3 cm.
*** Compositions are advertised without column divisions from >BERNERS, LORD< to >JONGEN, J.<; Strawinsky not mentioned (see the publishers adverts for Suite No. 2).
**** Slash original.
45-3 [27+] IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE N o 1 / FOR CHAMBER ORCHESTRA / MINIATURE SCORE / PRICE 4/- NET. / (Revised price) / J. & W. CHESTER, LTD., LONDON [*] // IGOR STRAWINSKY / SUITE / POUR PETIT ORCHESTRE / No. 1 / [#] I. – Andante / [#] II. – Napolitana / [#] III. – Espanola / [#] IV. – Balalaika / [**] / Duration et performance 7 minutes / Orchestral material on hire / J. & W. CHESTER, LTD. / 11, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET, LONDON, W.1 / Printed in Austria // (Pocket score stapled 13.3 x 18.5 (8° [kl. 8° / 8°]); 30 [30] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper black on beige [front cover title, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRAL WORKS / AVAILABLE IN MINIATURE SCORE FORM<*** without production data] + 6 pages front matter [empty page, picture page with a portrait photo 9.5 x 12.9 > Studio G.-L. Manuel Frères. Paris.< looking right as seen from inside the picture itself subtitled with quasi-handwritten cursive > Igor Strawinsky<, title page, empty page, page with introductory text in three columns German-English-French, page with containing the end [half page] of the introductory text by >Dr. A. P.< + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung:< >Orchestra:< >Distribution instru- / mentale:<] + 2 pages back matter [empty pages]; title head >SUITE N o 1 / pour petit orchestre /**** für kleines Orchester /**** for small orchestra<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title numbered in Roman numerals (with dot) >I. ANDANTE< flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (* 1882)<; note 1st page of the score below type area centre >In die „Philharmonia" Partiturensammlung aufgenommen<; legal reservations 1st page of the score above, next to and below 1. line title head flush left partly in italics >Droits d'exécution réservés / Aufführungsrecht vorbehalten/ Performing rights reserved< below type area below note flush left italic > Copyright 1926 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd.<; plate number [text;] >W. Ph. V. 172< [notes:] >W.Ph.V. 172 J.W.C. 56 b<; end of score dated p. 30 italic > 1917-1925<; production indication p. 30 flush right as end mark >Waldheim-Eberle, Wien VII.<) // [1927]
* In some editions, there is a stamp at this place flush left >EDITION SCHOTT No. 3469<.
** Dividing horizontal line of 1.3 cm.
*** Compositions are advertised without column divisions from >BERNERS, LORD< to >JONGEN, J.<; Strawinsky not mentioned (see the publishers adverts for Suite No. 2).
**** Slash original.
45-4 IGOR STRAVINSKY / SUITE N o I / FOR CHAMBER ORCHESTRA / J. & W. CHESTER, Ltd., LONDON // IGOR STRAVINSKY / SUITE / POUR PETIT ORCHESTRE / No. 1 / [#] I. — Andante / [#] II. — Napolitana / [#] III. — Espanola / [#] IV. — Balalaika / NORSK MUSIKFORLAG A/S [#*] WILHELM HANSEN, MUSIK-FORLAG / OSLO [#*] COPENHAGEN / A.B. NORDISKA MUSIKFORLAGET [#*] WILHELMIANA MUSIKVERLAG / STOCKHOLM [#*] FRANKFURT a. M. // (Pocket score stapled 13.4 x 18.8 (8° [8°]); 30 [30] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper white on blue lila [front cover title, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >SYMPHONIC ORCHESTRAL WORKS / AVAILABLE IN MINIATURE SCORE FORM< without production data**] + 4 pages front matter [title page, legend >Orchestration:< English + duration data > Duration of performance 7 minutes< + indication hire material > Orchestral material on hire< English, page with introductory text in three columns German-English-French, page with containing the end [half page] of the introductory text by >Dr. A. P.< + legend in three columns German-English-French >Orchesterbesetzung:< >Orchestra:< >Distribution instru- / mentale:<] + 2 pages back matter [2 empty pages]; title head >SUITE No 1 / pour petit orchestre /° für kleines Orchester /° for small orchestra<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 1 below movement title numbered in Roman numerals (with dot) >I. ANDANTE< flush right >Igor Strawinsky; legal reservations 1st page of the score next to 1. line title head flush left partly in italics >Tous droits réservés / Alle Rechte vorbehalten/ All rights reserved< below type area flush left italic > Copyright 1926 by J. & W. Chester, Ltd<; plate number [text:] >W. Ph. V. 172<, [notes:] >W. Ph. V. 172 J. W. C. 51 b<; end of score dated > 1917-1925<; production indication p. 30 as end mark >Waldheim-Eberle, Wien VII.<) // (1965***)
° Slash original.
*A round separating vignette covering more than four lines, consisting of letters ø 1.6cm >J< through a >W< into a >C< with the line of text >J. & W. CHESTER LTD< running three-quarters around above it, with >LONDON<, separated on both sides by full stops, underneath.
** Compositions are advertised from >BERKELEY, L.< to >STRAVINSKY, I. [#] The Firebird Suite (1919) / [#] Suites Nos. 1 and 2<.
*** According to Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig and Hofmeister.
45-5 Alb [Reprint in connection with Suite Nr. 2, in:] И. СТРАВИНСКИЙ / I. STRAVINSKY / ДВе СЮИТЫ / TWO SUITES / ДЛЯ МАЛОГо ОРКеСТРА / FOR SMALL ORCHESTRA / ПАРТИТУРА / SCORE / [vignette] / МУЗЫКА MUSIC / МОСКВА · 1967 · MOSCOW // И. СТРАВИНСКИЙ / I. STRAVINSKY / ДВе СЮИТЫ / TWO SUITES / ДЛЯ МАЛОГо ОРКеСТРА / FOR SMALL ORCHESTRA / ПАРТИТУРА / SCORE / ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО МУЗЫКА / STATE PUBLISHERS MUSIC / Москва [#] 1967 [#] Moscow // (Pocket score [library binding] 16.2 x 20.4 ([8°]); 76 [71] + 4 cover pages black on light beige [front cover title in ornamental frame with in the text box contained vignette 1.3 x 1.4 initial >M< with a stylized treble clef form, 2 empty pages, page with price at the bottom of the page flush left >82 к. . < + publisher’s advertisements >ВЫШЛИ И ВЫХОДЯТ ИЗ ПЕУАТИ / Симфонические произведения / Карманные партитуры < without production data* + imprint >Индекс 9–6–1 < with billing of names >Редактор В. Левитнская [#] Лит. редактор Л. Давтя / Техн. редактор И. Левитас [#] Корректор М. Ефименк < and itemized statements of format and origin] + 4 pages front matter [title page, index >СОДЕРЖАНИЕ <, introductory text without headline and without acknowledging the original author, legend >ORCHESTRA< Italian] without back matter; reprint pp. 35-76; title head Russian-English >СЮИТА [#] SUITE<; without author specified p. 35; without legal reservation; plate number >3401<; without end marks) // 1967
* Strawinsky not mentioned.
45-6 1968 ® 38-6 .
45-7 1968 ® 38-7 .
45-8 1968 ® 38-8.
45-9 1968 ® 38-9 .
K Catalog: Annotated Catalog of Works and Work Editions of Igor Strawinsky till 1971, revised version 2014 and ongoing, by Helmut Kirchmeyer.
© Helmut Kirchmeyer. All rights reserved.
http://www.kcatalog.org and http://www.kcatalog.net