K62 Tango
for piano solo – Tango für Klavier solo – Tango pour piano seul – Tango per pianoforte solo
Scored for: Original version: Piano; ~ (Version Guenther): 3 Flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets in B flat, Bass Clarinet in B flat, 2 Bassoons, 2 Alto Saxophones in E flat, Tenor Saxophone in B flat, 2 Horns in F, 3 Trumpets in B flat, 3 Trombones, Tuba, Batterie (Snare Drums, Bells), Guitar, Piano, Strings* (1st Violins, 2nd Violins, Violas, Violoncellos, Double Basses); ~ ( Strawinsky’s Orchestration): 4 Clarinetti**, Clarinetto Basso**, 4 Trompeti**°, 3 Tromboni, Guitar**, 3 Violini, Viola, Violoncello, Contrabasso [4 Clarinets**, Bass Clarinet**, 4 Trumpets**, 3 Trombones, Guitar**, 3 Violins, Viola, Violoncello, Double Bass]; b) Performance requirements: = a).
° Original spelling.
* Not divided.
** Sound as written.
Construction: The Tango is a one-movement piece consisting of 88 bars including repeats and is in 4/4 throughout but without metronome marking under the tempo indication 'Tempo di Tango'. The work consists of a quasi-introduction, a repeated first section, a trio as the middle section and a partial repeat of the opening section, which leads without the trio into a coda which uses identical material from the introduction: A-B-C1-C2-B-C1-A. In the orchestral version, the beginning of the coda is indicated by a double bar-line but it is not specifically referred to by name as a coda.
[Opening Section] (up to figure 1) [Piano Version: bar 1 up to 8]
[First Section] (Solo, accompagnando) (figure 1) [Piano Version: bar 9 up to bar 16]
[Repeated First Section] (Figure 2 up to the end of figure 3) [Piano Version: bar 17 up to bar 32]
Trio (figure 4 up to the end of figure 5) [Piano Version: bar 33 up to bar 48]
[First Section, Partial Repeat] figure 1 up to the end of figure 2) [Piano Version: bar 9 up to bar 24]
[Final Section] (figure 6) [Piano Version: bar 49 up to bar 56]
Corrections / Errata
Piano score 62-1 (annotations red)
1.) p. 4, 5th system, 2nd bar discant: first four-note-chord g1-b1-d2-f2 instead of g1-b b 1-d2-f2.
2.) p. 5, 2nd system, 1st bar bass discant (treble clef): a line has to be added from minim d2 bass to minim d1 discant.
3.) p. 5, 4th system, 2nd bar discant: double dots after three-note-chord; dotted c1 (3rd beat) instead of c1; dotted a1 instead of a1 of the four-note-chord.
4.) p. 5, 5th system, last bar discant: last but one quaver three-note-chord ligature a1-c2-e b 2 instead of a1-c#2-e b 2.
5.) p. 5, last system, 1st bar discant, t he following needs to be added: a staccato dot below the first note of the lowest (tied) quavers e1; a tenuto sign (-) with a dot below the 2nd note; a staccato dot below the f #1 in the third-from-last two-note-chord beamed upwards f#1-d2; a dot before the f#1 in the last two-note chord, which is beamed upwards, c#1-f#1.
Full score 62-2
1.) p. 7, bar 2, trumpet II: the (solely) crotchet at the beginning of the quaver ligature f#1 instead of f1.
2.) p. 7, bar 4, Alto saxophon I: the first crotchet g#2 instead of g2.
3.) p. 7, bar 4, piano discant: the first five-note-chord f1-g1-b1-d2-f2 instead of f1-g1-b b 1-d2-f2.
Style: The piano version is despite the impression of lightness given by the dance, conceived very compactly and certainly not easily to be played. White suggests that the reason for this was that Strawinsky had a version for instruments in mind from the very beginning.
Dedication: There is no dedication indicated.
Date of origin: Piano Version: Hollywood 1st up to 14th. October 1940; Instrumentation by Guenther: 1941; Instrumentation by Strawinsky: finished May 1953.
Duration: between 4' and 4'30".
First performance: Piano version: not known at present; Guenther version: 10th July 1941 in Robin Hood Dell, Orchestra Benny Goodman, conducted by Benny Goodman; Instrumentation by Strawinsky:18th October 1953 in Los Angeles, Evenings on the Roof Concerts, conducted by Robert Craft*
* Samuel Dushkin and Harry Kaufman performed the version for violin and piano, which remained unpublished during Strawinsky's lifetime, for the first time on 3rd January 1941 in the Town Hall in New York.
Remarks: There is not much known at this time about the origins of the Tango, but one can hardly err in making the presumption that it was one of those works opportunities which came about as a result of Strawinsky's difficult financial situation after his emigration in 1939, such as Scherzo à la Russe, Ebony Concerto, Circus Polka. This sort of work, using a rather lower-class musical language of the masses, was, from the end of 1945 up to 1953 at the latest, no longer the current thing that Strawinsky was working on, especially as he had not received the widespread success with it that he had certainly hoped for. The Tango form had already been used by Strawinsky in A Soldier's Tale and in the small light piano pieces, Les Cinq Doigts. In a letter from Strawinsky to Boosey & Hawkes from 21st July 1953, we learn that he had been visited by David Adams in May 1953 and that he had given him tuition that he just had completed the instrumentation of the Tango.
Orchestral Version: The orchestral version is consistent with the piano version, but Strawinsky's orchestral version is a tone higher than the piano version (G instead of F; and the trio respectively E instead of D); in the recent editions, the final section of the piano version, unlike the orchestral version, is labelled 'Coda'. The Strawinsky score is written in non-transposing parts, a practice which he used for many other scores especially in his serial period.
Significance: The work is for the most part highly esteemed in serious academic literature.
Versions: The contract between Strawinsky and the Mercury Music Corporation was settled on the 2nd January 1941. Strawinsky received a lump-sum of $500 and the usual proceeds from the sales. The history of the publication is yet unclear. The Tango was produced and printed in several versions which is the result of a certain commercial interest, both on the part of Strawinsky as well as on the part of the American publishers. In this way all Strawinsky’s plans were ruined, as he above all had conceived of a version for dance band and also a version for a voice. The version arranged by Samuel Dushkin for violin and piano from the year 1941 remained unpublished during his lifetime. The earliest orchestration is not by Strawinsky, rather Felix Guenther, but it was checked and approved by Strawinsky. The original piano version and Guenther's instrumentation were printed in 1941 by the Mercury Music Corporation in New York. In London, the piano edition is stored under the signature h.3992.f.(6), and was entered as a deposit copy on 17th April 1941. The cover page was torn off and is missing. This edition was sold by the publishers, and in the year of publication (1941), 82 copies were sold. Before 1946, the Mercury Music Corporation sold more than 450 copies, and up to the end of 1958, more than 750. The orchestral edition by Guenther is available in London under the signature h.3992.f.(10); it is however unfortunately incomplete. In the accounts of Mercury, a score of the Tango appears for the first time in 1943 with two copies included. – This can only refer to the version by Guenther as the conducting score, because the Strawinsky version had not yet been written. Until the end of 1953, the publishers register 24, and for 1955, 77 published copies. They finally differentiated between the score and the pocket score. From 1956 until the end of 1958, they sold 22 scores and 27 pocket scores. The Tango was therefore not a financial success in terms of sales. In the Schott documents of the balancing accounts, the Tango does not appear in its own position. The first continental printing of the piano edition, which is in colour, apparently was carried out in 1949 in London by Francis, Day & Hunter, in so far as they did not sell just the American version. In 1954, Mercury Music Corporation also printed Strawinsky's own orchestration of 1953, for which the central note of the piece, D, was raised in the piano version to E. Strawinsky received the sample copy in December 1954 and corrected it. The corrections were not however incorporated in the later version by Schott from 1956. In this version the work finishes on the wrong chord as the final note in the bass clarinet should be an E instead of a D. The second edition of the pocket score (62-6 [66]) is identical to the first edition (62-6) in terms of text and layout, the only difference being that on the outer title page, there is, flush left at the height of the publisher’s name >EDITION SCHOTT / 4569<, a slanted statement of origin >Printed in Germany<, which was cut off from being the end note on p.16; the grey texture gives a brighter effect, and the publishers’ vignette looks richer in the colour, which cannot be the result of ageing, and the 3rd line on the outer title page >für Orchester< is slightly larger (the font size of the letter >O< is 0.4 instead of 0.3; the line width remains unchanged at 3.6). The statement of origin was shortened from >Druck u. Verlag von B. Schott’s Söhne in Mainz < to >Verlag von B. Schott’s Söhne in Mainz<. As a result, the leading is enlarged between the [centred] plate number and [flush right] statement of origin. Finally, 62-6 [66]is cut shorter in the copies sampled by 1 to 2 millimetres in both width and height. – Victor Babin, with the consent of Strawinsky, made an arrangement for two pianos, which was published in 1962 in an American edition by Mercury and in 1964 as a German edition by Schott. The plans for this must have stretched back for decades. In any case, the Washington Library of Congress owns two letters written in Russian by Strawinsky to Babin from 7th August and 5th September 1941 and Strawinsky’s own corrections in pencil. Strawinsky gave up a quarter of his share of the 10 percent of the proceeds as payment for Babin. Babin’s autograph score also went into the Library of Congress. The deposit copy of the American edition was received by the British Library on the 5th November 1962, and the German edition was bought by the Library on 6th July 1964.
Print runs: There were 4 editions of the original version of the Tango for piano solo produced during Strawinsky’s lifetime after Schott publishers had acquired it, starting in 1956 and with 4,900 copies produced in total (print runs: 10th August 1956: 1,200; 24th August 1962: 1,000; 17th January 1963: 1,500; 30th June 1970: 1,200) and between Strawinsky’s death and the end of the century, 6,919 copies were printed in a further 6 editions, (print runs: 9/11/1977: 800; 3/11/1980: 800; 23/11/1982: 1,100; 19/9/1984: 1,400; 21/12/1987: 1,400; 1/2/1991: 1,400 [1,413+6]). The version for 2 pianosreceived only one print run by Schott, with a total of 1,000 copies produced during Strawinsky’s lifetime (print run: 27th February 1964). Between his death and the end of the century, there were further 4 editions with substantially smaller numbers of copies produced with a new cover (print runs: 24/3/1983: 200; 4/2/1986: 350; 12/9/1989: 300 [314+6]; 3/5/1994: 350 [360+6]). There were 2 editions of the pocket score published during Strawinsky’s lifetime, with 500 copies printed of each (print runs: 14th August 1956: 500; 4th October 1966: 500). The 3rd edition, produced after Strawinsky’s death, produced 300 copies (print run: 17/08/1979). From here to the end of the century, there were a further 2 editions, now with a new cover (print runs 10/08/1984: 300; 29/06/1993: 200 [233+6].
Historical Record: Version Strawinsky: New York City 27th April 1965, Columbia Jazz Group conducted by Igor Strawinsky.
CD-Edition: VII-1/7.
Autograph: U nclear in the details; in the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel, there is an unpublished version for violin and piano from 1940.
Copyright: Piano Version: 1941 by Mercury Music Corporation, New York; 1956 by B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz; Orchestral Version Guenther: 1941 and 1954 by Mercury Music Corporation, New York; Orchestral Version Strawinsky: 1940 and 1954 by Mercury Music Corporation, New York.
a) Overview
62-1 1941 Piano; Mercury Music Corporation New York; 6 pp.; 115-4.
62-1Straw ibd. [with corrections].
62-2 1941 FuSc (Guenther); Mercury Music Corporation New York; 15 pp.; – .
62-2Straw ibd. [with corrections].
62-3 (1949) Piano; Francis, Day & Hunter London; 4 pp.; F. & D. Ltd 21700.
62-4 1954 PoSc; Mercury Music Corporation New York / Francis, Day & Hunter London; 16 pp.; – .
62-5 1956 Piano; Schott Mainz; 5 pp.; 39391; 4917.
62-6 (1956) PoSc; Schott Mainz; 16 pp. 14 x 18,8; B·S·S 39392; 4569.
62-6[66] (1966) ibd.
62-7 1962 2 Pianos (Babin); Mercury Music Corporation; 8 pp.; A 338-7.
62-8 1964 2 Pianos (Babin); Schott Mainz; 8 pp.; 40861; 4720.
b) Characteristic features
62-1 IGOR / STRAWINSKY / tango* / PIANO SOLO / PRICE 60 ¢ / [picture] / MERCURY MUSIC CORPORATION, NEW YORK, N. Y.// (Edition unsewn 23 x 30.5 (4°); 6 [4] pages + 4 cover pages [front cover title page laid out in form of a middle-to-light red banner printed on in black-and-white on black paper with the names of the designer or illustrator printed in black running diagonally downwards from left to right on the right side of the page >LIEBERMAN<, empty page, page with publisher’s advertisements >PIANO MUSIC / FOR MODERNS<** without production data, page sprinkled with red with publisher’s (Weinberger) advertisements >CZECH / RHAPSODIE / (ALSO PUB- / LISHED FOR / ORCHESTRA<*** without production data] + 1 page back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements >FROM MERCURY’S DISTINGUISHED CATALOG<* without production data] without front matter, without back matter; title head >Tango<; author specified 1. page of the score paginated p. 3 below title head flush right centred >IGOR STRAWINSKY / (1940)<; legal reservation 1. page of the score below type area centre centred >Copyright MCMXLI by Mercury Music Corporation, New York, N. Y. / International Copyright Secured and Reserved / All Rights Reserved, including Public Performance for Profit.<; plate number >115-4<; without end mark) // 1941
* Q uasi-handwritten script printed in white.
** There are adverts for two compositions by Dana Suesse and one composition by Bert Reisfeld with the 3 openings notated; Strawinsky is not mentioned.
*** There are adverts with 4 openings notated ; Strawinsky not mentioned.
The copy in Strawinsky’s estate is signed and dated in black >IStrawinsky / May I94I< flush right and centred on the outer title page next to the first name and contains corrections in red.
62-2 tango / by / IGOR STRAWINSKY / Published by / Mercury Music Corporation / 231 West 40 thStreet, New York, N. Y. // (Full score stapled 26.5 x 35 (2°); 15 [13] pages + 2 pages front matter [title page, empty page] + 1 page back matter [empty page with publisher’s emblem 6.5 x 5 centre centred, and a figure with Hermes wings on his helm et playing the lyre and leaning against the capital letter >M< on the left side of the page]; title head >TANGO<; author specified 1 centre centred. page of the score paginated p. 3 below title head flush right >IGOR STRAVINSKY (1940)<; legal reservation in connection with production indication 1. page of the score below type area centre centred >Copyright MCMXLI by Mercury Music Corporation. New York. N. Y. / International Copyright Secured And Reserved [#] Printed in U. S. A. / All Public Performance Forbidden Without Express Consent of Copyright Owner<; without plate number; without end mark p. 15) // [1941]
The copy in Strawinsky’s estate is stapled into a standard blue cover. It is unsigned and undated, and contains no other entries other than the correction of the three printing errors. There is a miniature set of outer titles stuck on like a stamp 4.7 x 5.7 (Text 3.7 x 5) in black and white on bright red >IGOR / STRAWINSKY / tango/ MERCURY MUSIC CORPORATION, NEW YORK , N. Y.< on the upper right of the outer title page.
62-3 IGOR / STRAWINSKY / tango* / PIANO SOLO** / PRICE 4/• / LONDON:FRANCIS, DAY & HBELOW, Ltd. / 138-140, CHARLING CROSS ROAD,London,W.C.2. / MERCURY MUSIC CORPORATION, NEW YORK / Authorised for sale and distribution only in the / British Empire, Dominions, Colonies and / Mandated Territory, excepting Canada, / Australia and New Zealand. // (Edition [library binding] 24.5 x 30.8 (4°); 4 [4] pages + 4 cover pages black-white on middle-to-light red [front cover title page laid out in form of a middle-to-light red banner printed on in black-and-white on black paper with the names of the designer or illustrator printed in black running diagonally downwards from left to right on the right side of the page >LIEBERMAN<, 2 empty pages, empty page with the publisher’s monogram in a double circle intricate publisher’s monogram in a double circle ø 8.6 >FHD<] without front matter and without back matter; title head >TANGO<; author specified 1. page of the score paginated p. 1 below title head flush right centred >IGOR STRAWINSKY / (1940)<; legal reservation 1. page of the score below type area flush left italic > Copyright 1941, by Mercury Music Corporation, New York.<; plate number >F. & D. Ltd. 21700<; without end mark p. 4) // (1949)
* Printed in red.
** Printed in white.
62-4 IGOR STRAVINSKY / TANGO (1940) / New Orchestration (1953) / (Parts Available on Rental) / Price $1.00 / MERCURY MUSIC CORPORATION* // (Pocket score [library binding] 13.4 x 18.4 (8°); 16 [16] pages + 4 cover pages thin cardboard dark brown on creme-beige [ornamental front cover title page with a label-like ornamental double frame 9 x 4.5 with the name of the publisher printed into the base , 3 empty pages] without front matter and without back matter; title head >TANGO<; author specified 1. page of the score paginated p. 1 below title head flush right centred >IGOR STRAVINSKY / (1940 - instr. 1953)<; legal reservations 1. page of the score below type area flush left indent >Copyright MCMXL by Mercury Music Corporation. / New York, N. Y. / Copyright MCMLIV by Mercury Music Corporation. / New York, N. Y.< / flush left >International Copyright Secured<; production indication 1. page of the score below type area flush right >Made in U. S. A.<; without plate number; without end mark) // (1954)
* The copy in the British Library >c.133.h.(1.)< contains a framed stamp mark at the bottom of the page >PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN / By / FRANCIS, DAY & Hunter, LTD., / 140, CHARING CROSS ROAD, / LONDON, W.C.2.<.
62-5 STRAWINSKY / TANGO* / PIANO / EDITION SCHOTT 4917 // IGOR STRAWINSKY / TANGO / [asterisk] / Piano / Edition Schott 4917 / Studien-Partitur [#]** Edition Schott 4569 / Orchestermaterial nach Vereinbarung / Für Deutschland, Oesterreich und das Britische Empire / B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz [#] Schott & Co. Ltd., London / Für alle übrigen Länder: Mercury Music Corporation, New York // (Edition stapled 23.2 x 30.2 (4°); 5 [4] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper rough black orange on light beige [front cover title, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >IGOR STRAWINSKY<*** production data >24<] + 1 page front matter [title page] + 3 pages back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements >NEUE MUSIK FÜR KLAVIER B<**** production data >8<, empty page, page with publisher’s advertisements >Igor Strawinsky / Musikalische Poetik / Vorlesungen, gehalten an der Harvard University<*****]; title head >Tango<; author specified 1. page of the score unpaginated [p. 2] below title head flush right centred >IGOR STRAWINSKY / (1940)<; legal reservation 1. page of the score below type area centre centred >Copyright MCMXLI by Mercury Music Corporation, New York, N. Y. / International Copyright Secured and Reserved<; plate number [exclusively on p. 5 centre] >B·S·S 39391<; production indication p. 5 below type area flush left >Printed in Germany< flush right as end mark >Druck u. Verlag von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // (1956)
* Printed in orange red.
** Fill character (dotted line).
*** Compositions are advertised with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Babel. Kantate nach Moses I, 11. Kap., 1—9, für Sprecher, Männerchor und / Orchester° Klavierauszug 4342 / Circus-Polka für Klavier zu 2 Händen° 4282 / für 2 Klaviere zu 4 Händen° 4283 / für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4274 / Concerto für 2 Klaviere° 2520 / Concerto in D für Violine und Orchester° Studienpartitur 3504 / [#] Klavierauszug 2190 / Concerto in Es (Dumbarton Oaks) für Kammerorchester° Studienpartitur 3527 / [#] Klavierauszug für 2 Klaviere 2791 / Danses concertantes für Kammerorchester° Studienpartitur 4275 / Elegie für Violine oder Viola solo° 4477 / Der Feuervogel. Ballett° Klavierauszug 3279 / Daraus einzeln: / Berceuse für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Willms)° 2547/ Berceuse für Violine und Klavier (Transcription vom Komponisten)°°° 2081 / Berceuse für Violine und Klavier (Transcription vom Komponisten / und S. Dushkin)° 2186 / Ronde des princesses für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Willms)° 2548 / Prélude et Ronde des princesses für Violine und Klavier (Transkrip- / tion vom Komponisten° 2080 / Danse infernale, Berceuse et Finale für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Agosti)°°° 2378 / Scherzo für Violine und Klavier (Transkription vom Komponisten / und S. Dushkin)° 2250 / Orchester-Suite (1945)° Studienpartitur 4420 / Feuerwerk. Eine Fantasie für großes Orchester° Studienpartitur 3464 / [#] Klavierauszug zu 4 Händen 962 / Das Kartenspiel. Ballett° Klavierauszug 3296 / [#] Studienpartitur 3511 / Musikalische Poetik. Vorlesungen an der Harvard-University° 3612 / Pas de deux nach dem Ballett „Dornröschen“ von Tschaikowsky für Orchester / [#] Studienpartitur 4409 / Pastorale. Lied without Worte / Gesang und Klavier° 2295 / Gesang und 4 Blasinstrumente° Partitur 3399 / Violine und Klavier ( Strawinskyund Dushkin)° 2294 / Violine und 4 Blasinstrumente° Partitur 3313 / Scherzo à la russe für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4553 / Scherzo fantastique. Fantasie für großes Orchester° Studienpartitur 3501 / Sonate für 2 Klaviere zu vier Händen° 4015 / Symphonie en Ut für Orchester° Studienpartitur 3536 / Symphony in three movements für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4075 / Tango für Klavier° 4917 / für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4569 / Belowschale. Russiane Bauernlieder. 4 Chöre für gleiche Stimmen. / Beim Heiland von Tschigissy — Herbst — Der Hecht — Freund Dicksack°° / [asterisk] / Igor Strawinsky. Mensch und Künstler / Ein Buch des Sohnes Théodore über seinen Vater° 4202< [° Fill character (dotted line); °° without edition number; °°° without fill character (dotted line)].
**** Compositions are advertised in two columns with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) from >Henk Badings (1907)< to >Julius Weismann (1879-1950<, amongst these >Igor Strawinsky (1882) / Berceuse, Rondo°° des Princesses aus „Feuervogel“ / (Willms)° 2547/8 / Danse infernale, Berceuse et Finale aus „Feuervogel“, / Konzert-Transkription (Agosti)° 2378 / Cirkus-Polka° 4282<. [° Fill character (dotted line); °° original spelling]. At the end of the block of advertisements, stretching across the columns, contained in the text box an advert >DAS NEUE KLAVIERBUCH / Eine Sammlung von Klavierstücken zeitgenössischer Komponisten. Neuausgabe von Erich Winkler / Band I/II Ed. Schott 1400/1< [>THE NEW PIANO BOOK / A collection of pieces for piano by contemporary composers. New edition by Erich Winkler / Volume I/II Ed. Schott 1400/1>], in which Strawinsky is also represented, is displayed.
***** What is shown in the text box is the edition in the translation by Heinrich Strobel with the title of the seven chapters. Schott alone produced 9,000 copies in total of the Poetics of Music between 1949 and 1963 in 7 [6] print runs with the plate number 37402 and the edition number 3612 (print runs: 22 ndJuly 1949: 3000; 19 th* September 1952: 1500; 18 th* September 1952: 1500; 20 thNovember 1956: 1000; 27 thAugust 1959: 1000; 19 thDecember 1963: 1000) and a further run on 20 thSeptember 1966 which produced 2000 copies with the plate number 41605 and the edition number 5588. After Strawinsky’s death, there were clearly no further reprints [*entered in this order in the plate book].
62-6 STRAWINSKY / Tango / für Orchester / Studien-Partitur / [vignette] / EDITION SCHOTT / 4569 // IGOR STRAWINSKY / Tango / [asterisk] / Studien-Partitur / Edition Schott 4569 / Für Deutschland, Oesterreich und das Britische Empire / B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz [#] Schott & Co. Ltd., London / Für alle übrigen Länder: Mercury Music Corporation, New York // (Pocket score stapled 13.8 x 18.7 (8°); 16 [16] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper black on veined grey [front cover title with publisher’s emblem orange oval 1.8 x 2.5 wheel of Mainz in a frame with containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right , 3 empty pages] + 2 pages front matter [title page, empty page] + 2 pages back matter [empty page, page with publisher’s advertisements >STUDIEN-PARTITUREN / zeitgenössischer Orchesterwerke<* production data >105<]; title head >TANGO<; author specified 1. page of the score unpaginated [p. 1] below title head flush right centred >IGOR STRAVINSKY / (1940 – instr. 1953)<; legal reservations 1. page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright MCMXL by Mercury Music Corporation, New York, N. Y. / Copyright MCMLIV by Mercury Music Corporation, New York, N. Y.< [flush left indent] >International Copyright Secured<; plate number [exclusively last page of the score p. 16 centre] >B·S·S 39392<; production indications p. 16 below type area flush left >Printed in Germany< flush right as end mark >Druck u. Verlag von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // (1956)
* Compositions are advertised in three columns with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) from >WERNER EGK< to >ALEX. TSCHEREPNIN<, amongst these >IGOR STRAWINSKY / Scherzo fantastique° 3501 / Circus-Polka° 4274 / „Feuerwerk“, Fantasie°° 3464 // Ed. Schott / STRAWINSKY (Fortsetzung) / Symphonie in C° 3536 / Symphony in three / movements° 4075 / „Der Feuervogel“, / Suite (1919)° 3467 / „Der Feuervogel“, / Suite (1945)° 4420 / Vier norwegische Im- / pressionen°°° / Ode (Elegischer Ge- / sang in 3 Teilen für / kleines Orchester°°° / Suite I für kleines / Orchester° 3469 / Suite II für kleines / Orchester° 3470 / Pas de deux (L’oiseau / bleu) (Tschaikowsky)°°°° 4409 / Concerto in Es (Dum- / barton Oaks) f. Kam- / merorchester° 3527 / Danses concertantes° 4275 / Konzert in D für Vio- / line und Orchester° 3504 [° Fill character (dotted line); °° without fill character (dotted line); °°° without edition number and without fill character (dotted line); °°°° fill character (dot)].
62-6[66] STRAWINSKY / Tango / für Orchester / Studien-Partitur / [vignette] / Printed in Germany° / EDITION SCHOTT / 4569 // IGOR STRAWINSKY / Tango / [asterisk] / Studien-Partitur / Edition Schott 4569 / Für Deutschland, Oesterreich und das Britische Empire / B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz [#] Schott & Co. Ltd., London / Für alle übrigen Länder: Mercury Music Corporation, New York // (Pocket score stapled 13.7 x 18.7 (8°); 16 [16] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper black on veined light grey [front cover title with publisher’s emblem orange oval 1.9 x 2.5 wheel of Mainz in a frame with containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right , 3 empty pages] + 2 pages front matter [title page, empty page] + 2 pages back matter [empty page, page with publisher’s advertisements >STUDIEN-PARTITUREN / zeitgenössischer Orchesterwerke<* production data >105<]; title head >TANGO<; author specified 1. page of the score unpaginated [p. 1] below title head flush right centred >IGOR STRAVINSKY / (1940 – instr. 1953)<; legal reservations 1. page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright MCMXL by Mercury Music Corporation, New York, N. Y. / Copyright MCMLIV by Mercury Music Corporation, New York, N. Y.< / [flush left indent] >International Copyright Secured<; plate number [exclusively last page of the score p. 16 centre] >B·S·S 39392<; production indication p. 16 below type area flush right as end mark >Verlag von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // [1966]
* Compositions are advertised in three columns with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) from >WERNER EGK< to >ALEX. TSCHEREPNIN<, amongst these >IGOR STRAWINSKY / Scherzo fantastique° 3501 / Circus-Polka° 4274 / „Feuerwerk“, Fantasie°° 3464 // STRAWINSKY (Fortsetzung) / Symphonie in C° 3536 / Symphony in three / movements° 4075 / „Der Feuervogel“, / Suite (1919)° 3467< / „Der Feuervogel“, / Suite (1945)° 4420< / Vier norwegische Im- / pressionen°°° / Ode (Elegischer Ge- / sang) in 3 Teilen für / kleines Orchester°°° / Suite I für kleines / Orchester° 3469 / Suite II für kleines / Orchester° 3470 / Pas de deux (L’oiseau / bleu) (Tschaikowsky)°°°° 4409 / Concerto in Es (Dum- / barton Oaks) f. Kam- / merorchester° 3527 / Danses concertantes° 4275 / Konzert in D für Vio- / line und Orchester° 3504< [° Fill character (dotted line); °° without fill character (dotted line); °°° without edition number and without fill character (dotted line); °°°° fill character (dot)].
62-8 STRAWINSKY / TANGO* / 2 PIANOS / EDITION SCHOTT 4720 // IGOR STRAWINSKY / Tango / Piano [#]** Edition Schott 4917 / 2 Pianos (V. Babin)[#]** Edition Schott 4720/ Studien-Partitur [#]** Edition Schott 4569 / Für Germanland, Oesterreich und das Britische Empire / B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz [#] Schott & Co. Ltd., London / Für alle übrigen Länder: Mercury Music Corporation, New York // (Edition for two pianos stapled 23.3 x 30.1 (2°) with 2. exemplar enclosed; 8 [7] pages + 4 cover pages dark blue on light beige [front cover title, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >IGOR STRAWINSKY<*** production data >24<] + 1 page front matter [title page] without back matter; title head >Tango<; authors specified 1. page of the score unpaginated [p. 2] below title head flush right >Igor Strawinsky< flush left centred >Transcribed for two pianos by / Victor Babin<; legal reservation 1. page of the score below type area centre centred >© Copyright 1941 by Mercury Music Corporation, New York, N. Y. / © Copyright 1962 by Mercury Music Corporation, New York, N. Y. / International Copyright secured,<; plate number [exclusively last page of the score p. 8] >40861<; production indications p. 8 below type area flush left >Printed in Germany< flush right as end mark >Druck u. Verlag: B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz<) // (1964)
* Printed in dark blue.
** Fill character (dotted line).
*** Compositions are advertised with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Babel. Kantate nach Moses I, 11. Kap., 1—9, für Sprecher, Männerchor und / Orchester° Klavierauszug 4342 / Circus-Polka für Klavier zu 2 Händen° 4282 / für 2 Klaviere zu 4 Händen° 4283 / für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4274 / Concerto für 2 Klaviere° 2520 / Concerto in D für Violine und Orchester° Studienpartitur 3504 / [#] Klavierauszug 2190 / Concerto in Es (Dumbarton Oaks) für Kammerorchester° Studienpartitur 3527 / [#] Klavierauszug für 2 Klaviere 2791 / Danses concertantes für Kammerorchester° Studienpartitur 4275 / Elegie für Violine oder Viola solo° 4477 / Der Feuervogel. Ballett° Klavierauszug 3279 / Daraus einzeln: / Berceuse für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Willms)° 2547/ Berceuse für Violine und Klavier (Transcription vom Komponisten)°°° 2081 / Berceuse für Violine und Klavier (Transcription vom Komponisten / und S. Dushkin)° 2186 / Ronde des princesses für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Willms)° 2548 / Prélude et Ronde des princesses für Violine und Klavier (Transkrip- / tion vom Komponisten° 2080 / Danse infernale, Berceuse et Finale für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Agosti)°°° 2378 / Scherzo für Violine und Klavier (Transkription vom Komponisten / und S. Dushkin)° 2250 / Orchester-Suite (1945)° Studienpartitur 4420 / Feuerwerk. Eine Fantasie für großes Orchester° Studienpartitur 3464 / [#] Klavierauszug zu 4 Händen 962 / Das Kartenspiel. Ballett° Klavierauszug 3296 / [#] Studienpartitur 3511 / Musikalische Poetik. Vorlesungen an der Harvard-University° 3612 / Pas de deux nach dem Ballett „Dornröschen“ von Tschaikowsky für Orchester / [#] Studienpartitur 4409 / Pastorale. Lied without Worte / Gesang und Klavier° 2295 / Gesang und 4 Blasinstrumente° Partitur 3399 / Violine und Klavier ( Strawinskyund Dushkin)° 2294 / Violine und 4 Blasinstrumente° Partitur 3313 / Scherzo à la russe für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4553 / Scherzo fantastique. Fantasie für großes Orchester° Studienpartitur 3501 / Sonate für 2 Klaviere zu vier Händen° 4015 / Symphonie en Ut für Orchester° Studienpartitur 3536 / Symphony in three movements für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4075 / Tango für Klavier° 4917 / für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4569 / Belowschale. Russiane Bauernlieder. 4 Chöre für gleiche Stimmen. / Beim Heiland von Tschigissy — Herbst — Der Hecht — Freund Dicksack°° / [asterisk] / Igor Strawinsky. Mensch und Künstler / Ein Buch des Sohnes Théodore über seinen Vater° 4202 [° Fill character (dotted line); °° without edition number; °°° without fill character (dotted line)].
K Catalog: Annotated Catalog of Works and Work Editions of Igor Strawinsky till 1971, revised version 2014 and ongoing, by Helmut Kirchmeyer.
© Helmut Kirchmeyer. All rights reserved.
http://www.kcatalog.org and http://www.kcatalog.net